Payment is in PayPal/Ko-Fi only via USD.
You may only order 1 type of commission in your slot.
Please DO NOT do the following.
Resell my art.
Use my art to train an AI for reproduction.
Reuse my art for NFTs / blockchains / crypto.
Payment will be made after a rough sketch is sent, and will be upfront!
Payment plans can only be split and made for orders over 150 USD.
Commissioned artwork can only be used for personal or non-commercial use.
For commercial purposes, it'll be additionally charged by around 30-40% and you must ask me before doing so.
Refunds cannot be fully made once progress starts.
I can refund you the full amount only if I didn't show progress. If I do, you can only get 70% of the money back due to the progress made.
Payment should be done within 48 hours.
If payment isn't made within 48 hours after the sketch, I will drop your slot and move on to the next customer.
Any further major changes after progress will be additionally charged.
If you need changes, please do notify me before I send further progress. Minor changes do not need additional charging.
Be patient.
Commissions may take around a week to a month to complete depending on my availability and the type of commission.

= Pokemon
= Humans
= Anthros
= Furries
= Original species
= OC art
= Fan art
= Ship art
= Blood
= Suggestive elements

= Mecha
= Feral
= Complex creatures
= Animations
= Style replication
= Fetishes
= NSFW elements
= Hateful elements
= Problematic elements
= Propaganda or politics


Starting from 60 USD
1 character per icon.
No background included.
Add-ons Unavailable


Starting from 100 USD
1 character included.
Simple background included.
Add-ons Available
+50% base price for extra character


Starting from 125 USD
1 character included.
No background by default.
Simple background included if requested.
Add-ons Available
+50% base price for extra character


Starting from 200 USD
Up to 2 characters included.
Additional details included.
Detailed background included.
Add-ons Available
+30% base price for extra character


Starting from 250 USD
I can design characters for you! Just send me what you'd like to have for your character, such as theme, moodboard, etc.

= Mukouno1991
= snakyomnivore
= Intonyeon
= BrainrotMachina
= grasssnek497
= thatvia
= mayro_slimebrry
= r0vu-al