Payment is in PayPal/Ko-Fi only via USD.
You may only order 1 type of commission in your slot.Please DO NOT do the following.
Resell my art.
Use my art to train an AI for reproduction.
Reuse my art for NFTs / blockchains / crypto.Payment will be made after a rough sketch is sent, and will be upfront!
Payment plans can only be split and made for orders over 150 USD.Commissioned artwork can only be used for personal or non-commercial use.
For commercial purposes, it'll be additionally charged by around 30-40% and you must ask me before doing so.Refunds cannot be fully made once progress starts.
I can refund you the full amount only if I didn't show progress. If I do, you can only get 70% of the money back due to the progress made.Payment should be done within 48 hours.
If payment isn't made within 48 hours after the sketch, I will drop your slot and move on to the next customer.Any further major changes after progress will be additionally charged.
If you need changes, please do notify me before I send further progress. Minor changes do not need additional charging.Be patient.
Commissions may take around a week to a month to complete depending on my availability and the type of commission.
= Pokemon
= Humans
= Anthros
= Furries
= Original species= OC art
= Fan art
= Ship art= Blood
= Suggestive elements
= Mecha
= Feral
= Complex creatures= Animations
= Style replication= Fetishes
= NSFW elements
= Hateful elements
= Problematic elements
= Propaganda or politics